Auditor: Dr. Erwin Koler, Mils

Auditor: Dr. Erwin Koler, Mils

Born in 1949, married, 2 children Volkschule Imsterberg, Humanistisches Gymnasium Paulinum in Schwaz, Studied Law at the Universität Innsbruck Legally trained official of the Tiroler Government since 1974 (now retired), 12 years as Bezirkshauptmann of Landeck 1994 – 2005, Amtsführender President of the Landesschulrates for Tirol 2006 – 2009, Landesrat for Education and Cultur in the Trioler Government 2006 – 2008, Chairman of the Lebenshilfe Landeck 1997 – 2011, Member of the Brotherhood St. Christoph since 1994.

As I took on the position as Bezirkshauptman of Landeck, it was clear that I was going to support the largest charitable organization in the area. Therefore joining the Brotherhood was a logical next step for me. By working together, government and private organizations, can provide security for those who are in need.

I am very honored to represent the traditions of the Brotherhood in the Brotherhood Council as a controller.

Over the last centuries, what was a small charity club grew to be huge movement. Now the Brotherhood can easily provide support for any tragedy or catastrophe. However, it is worth noting how quickly and efficiently the help reaches those in need.

I believe that instead of focusing on expansion, the Brotherhood should focus on developing and sustaining the great community initiative of the Brotherhood. What family Werner has achieved in the Arlberg Hospiz is in this manor exemplary.

I remember the avalanche catastrophe of 1999 in Galtür and the flood catastrophe of 2005 in Berzirk Landeck. I believe the large contributions given by the Brotherhood represent the belief that in hard times we must all stick together.