I was born in 1960 in Bregenz, Volkschule Langen, Bundesgymnasium Bregenz, Studied Theology in Innsbruck, Graduated with a Doctorate, during my studies paramedic for the Red Cross, physiological and therapeutic training – Graduated with a Diplom in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis by Viktor Frankl, Ordained in 1986, 1986 – 1989 Chaplain in Bregenz-Mariahilf, Religion teacher in several schools, spiritual and rector of the Bischöflichen Studieninternats Marianum, Pastoral head official for the Diocese Feldrich, vicar general, diocese administrator, named Bishop of Feldkirch by Pope Francis on 08.05.2013, Episcopal concecration on 30.06.2013.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
Prof. Richard Robin asked me to become the Branch Manager.
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
For the opportunity to pursue pastoral and social projects and support projects of Brotherly Love.
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
In the expedient and effective help.
Where do I see room for improvement?
I see the statutory goals as achieved.
Is there a special Donation Project you are particularly proud of, where the Brotherhood´s help was especially important?
Concrete help for people in grave need.