Large Donation for the Flood Victims in Kössen from the Brotherhood St. Chrstoph. Hand off through Abt German Erd from Stift Stams and Adolf Werner, St. Christoph
After the flood disaster in Kössen on June 2, 2013 unimaginable damages were incurred which can give life a new perspective.
The cleaning and repair costs were thankfully supported in large by the contribution which also included the preperation for future flood disasters.
For the over 380 people with residences in the flooded area high repair costs overwhelmed many. After the completion of the repairs it is essential to remember that, for families with children or retirees with low income, in order to secure a future with low financial burdens help from far and wide helps.
Therefore the Donation from the Brotherhood St. Christoph for 100.000,- EUR to the community (10 people from all different backgrounds) is a big help. This contribution will provide a second donation this year (before Christmas) to those still unable to recover from the disaster.
Alone the experiences as mayor and the information at disposal show that this sum can still be used efficiently and effectively in order to enusre that no one “falls through the cracks”. Hier the goal is to support all those aflicted by the flood who no longer posses the resources necessary to ensure secure future. Thanks to the generous contributions all these goals can be achieved.
As Mayor of the Municiple Kössen, i would like to thank all members of the Brotherhood, especially Abt German Erd and Adi Werner. For the genereous contribution and in the name of all Kössener, a heartfelt thanks.
Stefan Mühlberger, Bürgermeister von Kössen
Thank you letter from the mayor of the Municiple Kössen to the Brotherhood St. Christoph