Financial Officer: Mayor Dietmar Tschohl, Klösterle

Dietmar Tschohl, Klösterle

I was born in 1969 in Klösterle, Volksschule Klösterle, Haupstschule in Innerbraz, HAK Bludenz, Berufsschuler der Tischler in Dornbirn, 1986 – 1995 Carpenter, 1995 – 1999 Bauhofleiter of the municipality Klösterle and Vice-Mayor, since 1999 Mayor of the municipality Klösterle a. A.

Because the communal help for people in need is one of the essential pillars of peaceful social coexistence.

To at least spend a piece of my time working for a good cause.

In the ability to quickly and direct help the people in need.

The 2005 floods in Vorarlberg and Tirol. With the fast help of the Brotherhood many families could be helped back on their feet.