Dietmar Tschohl, Klösterle
I was born in 1969 in Klösterle, Volksschule Klösterle, Haupstschule in Innerbraz, HAK Bludenz, Berufsschuler der Tischler in Dornbirn, 1986 – 1995 Carpenter, 1995 – 1999 Bauhofleiter of the municipality Klösterle and Vice-Mayor, since 1999 Mayor of the municipality Klösterle a. A.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
Because the communal help for people in need is one of the essential pillars of peaceful social coexistence.
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
To at least spend a piece of my time working for a good cause.
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
In the ability to quickly and direct help the people in need.
Is there a special Donation Project you are particularly proud of, where the Brotherhood´s help was especially important?
The 2005 floods in Vorarlberg and Tirol. With the fast help of the Brotherhood many families could be helped back on their feet.