Financial Officer: Mayor Ludwig Muxel, Lech
I was born on the 13th of June 1955 in Lech. I am married to Diana Muxel since 1986 and have two daughters: Anna Katharina, born 1987, and Maria, born 1988. My address is: Omesberg 210, 6764 Lech. I began my carrier after the Handelschule in Feldkirch 1973 as a coworker of the Raiffeisenbank Lech. There I worked from 1986 until 1993. I was Vice-Mayor of Lech from 1990 to 1993 and since April 1993 the Mayor of Lech.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
The Brotherhood St. Christoph has, for centuries, provided and supported social projects in and around the Arlberg. And as Mayor of Lech, I would like to work cooperatively with the Brotherhood.
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
Because it is a great opportunity to help the underprivileged and those in need.
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
The large number of members allows the Brotherhood St. Christoph to be active in a variety of different social projects. Also, the assistance is direct and sent with little or no bureaucracy.
Is there a special Donation Project you are particularly proud of, where the Brotherhood´s help was especially important?
Brotherhood’s help was especially important? On the one hand, the help sent to the victims of the avalanche catastrophe of 1999 in Galtür, and to the victims of the 2005 flood. Several of the families affected by the flood were also part of my hometown community. On the other hand, and equally important, are the small acts of kindness from Brotherhood St. Christoph because they truly make a difference in peoples lives.