Member: Dr. Greti Schmid, Göfis
I was born on 24.05.1954 in Bruneck (South Tirol), PHD science (biologist), 2000 – 2014 Landesrätin for Social, Youth, Women, Seniors, Collaberation Developement, Telecommunication, and Computer Science in Vorarlberg.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
Because it is important to help in difficult situations.
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
Because then fast and efficient help can be provided to people in difficult situations.
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
Through the contributions of all active members, assistance can be provided to the many people in need.
Where do I see room for improvement?
Personally, I view helping families as extremely important.
Is there a special Donation Project you are particularly proud of, where the Brotherhood´s help was especially important?
The exceptionally efficient support given to the flood victims and also the financial assistance given to those families in need stand out.