Member: Margret Falkner, Barwies
I was born in 1949 in Galtür, widowed, 1 son, Grundschule and Haputschule Fuhrmannsloch (Nauders), Sölden, Hauswirtschaftsschule Feldkirch, Apprenticeship for a hotel assistant, Hotelierin in St. Anton a. A., moved to Barwies in 2013, Landlord.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
I find the Brotherhood St. Christoph to be a very charitable and helpful institution.
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
I happily involve myself in social projects because I view that as my life’s purpose. If we are prosperous, then we should be there for others.
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
The Brotherhood gives expedient, targeted help without any bureaucracy.
Where do I see room for improvement?
In creating new projects.
Is there a special Donation Project you are particularly proud of, where the Brotherhood´s help was especially important?
Brotherhood’s help was especially important? Adi’s Donation Project “Hochwasserhilfe im Bezirk Landeck” which supported families, where even both parents passed, and provided an education for the children.