Member: Franz Tschol, hotelier, St. Anton
I was born in 1954, Volkschule St. Anton, Matura am Privatgymnasium der Jesuiten “Tella Matutina” in France, Diplom and the Ecole Hoteliere de las SSH, Lausanne, Switzerland, Studied Business at the University Innsbruck, Language school Lausanne, Switzerland, Owning Manager of the Hotel Schwarzer Adler St. Anton a. A.
On the Board of Directors of the TVB St. Anton a. A., On the Board of Directors of the Volksbank Landeck eG, On the local council of St. Anton a. A. with diverse responsibilities.
Why did I join the Brotherhood?
On the one hand, because of familial tradition (my father is one of the re-founders) on the other hand, because of the possibility to help those on the “Schattenseite” of the region from the “Sonnenseite.”
Why am I so active in the Brotherhood St. Christoph?
When you are asked, it is an honor, that cannot be refuted..
Were do the strengths oft he Brotherhood lie?
In its ability to recognize those in grave situations in the region and its ability to help them so effectively.
Where do I see room for improvement?
The Brotherhood cannot save the entire planet, so much is clear. The Brotherhood should strengthen its roots in its home-town population, while simultaneously focusing on exposure through celebrities.